Being emotionally regulated is NOT about being emotionally perfect. Emotional regulation is learning to respond to our emotional experience in a resourced and supported way. It is about growing a curious, gentle, and responsive relationship to our emotional experience. Emotional regulation is a relational skill set that many complex trauma survivors didn't inherit, but the good news is this skill set can be learned.
The Emotional Regulation Resource Bundle offers guidance on how you can build a healing relationship with your emotional experience using the parts work, somatic support, emotional literacy, and self-compassion tools.
In this bundle, you will receive:
- The Emotions Life Raft Resource Deck
- Befriending the Body: A Survivor Somatic Self Care Guide to Compassionately Support the Body through the Healing Process
- Name It to Tame It: A Survivor's Guide to Growing Emotional Language Skills So We Can Understand and Support Ourselves
Collectively, these resources will break down what emotional regulation is and is not, how to manage trauma triggers and emotional swings, how to utilize body-based strategies to support your emotional experience, and offer a step-by-step guide for identifying and naming emotions and their underlying needs.