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Complex trauma survivors often describe feeling at war with themselves - split apart being pulled in all directions. Different parts of themselves have different fears and needs. One part may want to connect to others, while another is terrified of connection. One part needs to complete day-to-day tasks, while another part is frozen and dissociated. These inner conflicts make daily living difficult, leaving the survivor feeling frustrated and confused, and often ashamed.


However, there is a reason why this fragmentation occurs, and there is a way to learn to navigate these conflicted parts of ourselves. Reconciling the Ruptured Self is a survivor-written parts work journal, which will introduce you to the inner war, describe why it happens, and help you learn how to work with your conflicted parts from a place of compassion and support.


If you resonate with an inner war and are looking for tools to work with your conflicted parts, Reconciling the Ruptured Self is a resource that will provide tools to help you leave the battlefield behind.


Reconciling the Ruptured Self includes:

  • A download of the 100-page Parts Work journal written from the perspective of a complex trauma survivor - Sara.
  • A print release for personal use
  • A breaking down of Parts Work into an easy-to-understand framework while offering practical exercises to get started working with parts and reconciling inner conflicts.


View a sample of Reconciling the Rupture Self.


Each e-workbook includes a PDF file + print release for personal use, if you'd like to make a physical copy.

Reconciling the Ruptured Self eWorkbook


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